- 先週=last week
- 先週の木曜日=last Thursday
- 一昨日=The day before yesterday
- 先々週=the week before last
- 先々週の木曜日=the Thursday before last
- 一昨年=the year before last
- 先々月=the month before last
- 来週=next week
- 来週の木曜日=next Thursday
- 明後日=The day after tomorrow
- 再来週=The week after next
- 再来週の木曜日=the Thursday after next
- 再来月=the month after next
- 再来年=the year after next

「先々週」は「the day before yesterday」という表現の親戚です!

You use expressions such as the night before last, the election before last and the leader before last to refer to the period of time, event, or person that came immediately before the most recent one in a series.

「再来週」は「the day after tomorrow」を思い出せばOKです!

You use after next in expressions such as the week after next to refer to a period of time after the next one. For example, when it is May, the month after next is July.

- 先週=last week
- 先週の木曜日=last Thursday
- 一昨日=The day before yesterday
- 先々週=the week before last
- 先々週の木曜日=the Thursday before last
- 一昨年=the year before last
- 先々月=the month before last
- 来週=next week
- 来週の木曜日=next Thursday
- 明後日=The day after tomorrow
- 再来週=The week after next
- 再来週の木曜日=the Thursday after next
- 再来月=the month after next
- 再来年=the year after next



