“We all know of your daughter’s misfortune,” Don Corleone said. “If I can help her in any way, you have only to speak. My wife is her godmother after all. I have never forgotten that honor.” This was a rebuke. The undertaker never called Don Corleone “Godfather” as custom dictated.
Mario Puzo The Godfather
- 運勢/運命
- 財産/資産/大金
- 金持ち
- good fortune=運がいい
- ill fortune=運が悪い
- misfortune=災難
- fortune-teller=占い師
- fortune cookie=おみくじクッキー
- make a fortune=財を成す/ひともうけする
- a small fortune=大金/かなりの金
A fortune cookie is a sweet, crisp cake which contains a piece of paper which is supposed to say what will happen to you in the future. Fortune cookies are often served in Chinese restaurants.
“We all know of your daughter’s misfortune,” Don Corleone said. “If I can help her in any way, you have only to speak. My wife is her godmother after all. I have never forgotten that honor.” This was a rebuke. The undertaker never called Don Corleone “Godfather” as custom dictated.
“I raised my daughter in the American fashion. I believe in America. America has made my fortune. I gave my daughter her freedom and yet taught her never to dishonor her family.
気を付けておきたいのは「a small fortune」
The negotiator stays in our hands until you come back safe. If anything happens to you, the negotiator pays.”
“Why the hell should he stick his neck out?” Michael asked.
“He gets a big fee,” Clemenza said. “ A small fortune.~”
※stick(put) one’ neck out危険を冒す
You can refer to a large sum of money as a fortune or a small fortune to emphasize how large it is.
- 運勢/運命
- 財産/資産/大金
- 金持ち
- good fortune=運がいい
- ill fortune=運が悪い
- misfortune=災難
- fortune-teller=占い師
- fortune cookie=おみくじクッキー
- make a fortune=財を成す/ひともうけする
- a small fortune=大金/かなりの金
AKB48の『恋するフォーチュンクッキー』で使われている「fortune cookie」というのは「おみくじが入ったクッキー」という意味です。