endorseの「推薦」の仕方はこんな感じ! TOEICの「推薦」について
He was, in effect, agreeing almost entirely to Sollozzo’s original proposal if that proposal was endorsed by t…
He was, in effect, agreeing almost entirely to Sollozzo’s original proposal if that proposal was endorsed by t…
Their opinion of Michael was that he was not equal to Sonny in force though more intelligent certainly, but no…
She recorded in a notebook exact data about her periods from her first year on and included sex as a supplemen…
“To be blunt, ‘cause they don’t have a goddamn clue. They can’t scratch their own asses without a flashlight a…
“What’s done is done. Everybody has to be sensible now. Don’t lose that famous temper of yours.” The voice was…
ひざから腰までの部分を指してlap lapがこう使われています! Jules was immediately…
「exceptional」=「並外れた、非凡な」=「extraordinary」 『エピソードⅡクローンの攻…
あなたの席は何列目? 「row」の基本的な意味 「row house」はこんな感じです! &n…
string=弦、ひも 僕のおすすを紹介してあります!  …
fine=品質が優れている、繊細な、高級な 「fine」にはこんな意味があります! Pazzi knew a…