not in the least? not the least bit? not least? leastの曲者をあぶりだしました!
The man advanced his chin a few hundredths of an inch and nodded curtly. His line of vision did not shift in t…
The man advanced his chin a few hundredths of an inch and nodded curtly. His line of vision did not shift in t…
Most families live in two-story homes with attached gardens, and they own one car, though quite a few have two…
The only thing that changed was the book. One time it’d be Mickey Spillane, another time Kenzaburo Oe, another…
“My manager is due to retire in five months after twenty-two years of loyal service and the assistant ma…
僕の得点の推移をまとめました! リーディング9問塗り絵 A reference is a letter th…
受験の「effect」は「~という趣旨の」、TOEICの「effect」は「持ち物」 She carries…
「figure」で注意したいのは「重要な人物」の意味 “The person on the name car…
とても重要! 仮定法の「would」 “It’ll feel different h…
「mean」=「重要な」/「~という結果になる」 And sometimes the Don’s succe…
「mean」=「意地悪な」 “The way you feel?” “Come on, don’t be m…